[eh?125]Bong Watt
If It Works, It's Obsolete
[eh?124]Ricardo Arias // Violeta García
[eh?123]Eloine + Ypsmael / Coims
[eh?122]John Collins McCormick
Healthy Alternative To Thinking
[eh?121]charles lareau
Box of Black
[eh?118]Jeff Surak
Eris I Dysnomia
[eh?117]Terrie Ex & Jaap Blonk
[eh?116]Erin Demastes
Thing Music
[eh?115]Kal Spelletich
The Blessing of the ZHENGKE ZGA37RG
[eh?113]Tech Riders
For Eternity
[eh?112]Abigail Smith
Indochina Soundscraps
The Realisation That Someone Has Been Stood Behind You Your Entire Life
[eh?110]Johannes Bergmark / Guido Hübner
nisip noaptea
[eh?109]Seeded Plain
Flying Falling
The Furies Inside Me OST
[eh?107]Jaap Blonk
Joyous Junctures
[eh?106]Sindre Bjerga
Hesitation Marks
[eh?105]Patrick Shiroishi / Arturo Ibarra
LA Blues
Atomnye Deti
[eh?103]Seeded Plain
Buffets Close Suddenly
[eh?102]Tania Chen & Jon Leidecker
Live In Japan
[eh?101]Cookie Tongue
Orphan Arms
monument 36
[eh?99]Bill Brovold
Misty Nights
[eh?97]L. Eugene Methe and Megan Siebe
Revisited, Revisited, Revisited
[eh?96]Felipe Araya
[eh?95]Eoin Callery
[eh?93]Bad Jazz
[eh?92]Ernesto Diaz-Infante
My Benign Swords
[eh?91]Larnie Fox
In The Cathedral of Airplanes
[eh?90]Tom Djll
[eh?89]Leonard * Day * Jerman
[eh?88]Das Torpedoes
Qu Nar
[eh?87]Ben Bennett & John Collins McCormick
[eh?86]Daniel Wyche
Our Severed Sleep
[eh?85]Seeded Plain
Spill Containment
[eh?84]Bad Jazz
Bad Dreams In The Night
[eh?83]Chefkirk & Andrew Quitter
Kaiju Manifestos
[eh?82]Venison Whirled
[eh?81]Gary Rouzer
Studies and Observations of Domestic Shrubbery
[eh?80]Unrepeatable Quartet
Edmonton 2012
[eh?79]Stefan Roigk
[eh?78]Lucky Bone
[eh?77]Jeffrey Alexander
No Sacred Snow, No Sacred Show
[eh?76]Bruno Duplant / Pedro Chambel / Fergus Kelly
(Winter Pale) Red Sun
[eh?74]Graves / Kreimer / Wilsey / Bachmann
The July Amalgam
[eh?73]Sky Thing
Virgin Journalist
[eh?72]Cactus Truck
Live in USA
[eh?71]Various Artists
Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup
[eh?70]Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, Park Seungjun and Jin Sangtae
Live at Dotolim
[eh?69]Edward Ricart & Tim Daisy
Yiu Ja Ley
[eh?68]Chagas And Schafer
Gesture To The Declining Sun
Plasma Clusters
[eh?66]Jeff Kaiser / Nicolas Deyoe
Chimney Liquor
[eh?65]Close Embrace of the Earth
At the Spirits Rejoice Festival
[eh?64]Jean-Marc Montera & Francesco Calandrino
Idi Di Marzo
[eh?63]Un Nu
[eh?62]Bailly / Millevoi / Moffett
Strange Falls
[eh?61]Jacob Felix Heule & Bryce Beverlin II
Space Sickness
Mud Layer Cake
[eh?58]Strongly Imploded
Twilight of Broken Machines
we must leave the warren
Moist Areas
[eh?55]Eloine & Sabrina Siegel
Nature's Recomposition 33
Any Port In A Storm
[eh?53]Eckhard Gerdes
!Evil Scuff Mud
[eh?52]Psychotic Quartet
[eh?51]Federico Barabino
Can You Listen To the Silence Between the Notes?
The Fruit Witch of Ancient Salamander
[eh?48]Ember Schrag
Jephthah's Daughter
[eh?47]Massimo Falascone / Bob Marsh
Non Troppo Lontano
[eh?46]Delplanque / Oldman
Chapelle de l'Oratoire
[eh?45]The Epicureans
A Riddle Within a Conundrum Within a Game
[eh?44]Croatan Ensemble
[eh?43]Man's Last Great Invention
[eh?42]Sad Sailor
Link to the Outside World
[eh?41]Ricardo Arias / Miguel Frasconi / Keiko Uenishi
[eh?40]Andreas Brandal
This Is Not For You
[eh?39]Gamma Goat
Beard of Sound, Beard of Sand
[eh?38]John Dikeman / Jon Barrios / Toshi Makihara
We Need You
[eh?37]David Moscovich
Ass Lunch
Four Plus One
I Manage To Get Out by a Secret Door
Dirty Realism
[eh?33]Jesse Krakow
World Without Nachos
Wave the Old Wave
[eh?30]Bryan Day
Four Televisions
Hear Here
Yama Labam A
[eh?27]Shelf Life
[eh?26]Papier Mache
[eh?25]Papier Mache

Tania Chen & Jon Leidecker - Live In Japan
CD-R (San Francisco)

-Osaka 1
-Osaka 2
-Osaka 3
-Osaka 4
-Osaka 5
-Osaka 6

Tania Chen & Jon Leidecker - Sounds
Recorded May 6-17, 2017

(Avant Music News) Live in Japan [eh?102] is a duo set from Tania Chen and Jon Leidecker, recorded in Osaka, Chiba and Tokyo in May 2017. Chen, a UK pianist who also makes sound with found objects, toys and lo-fi electronics, and Leidecker, an experimental electronics musician from San Francisco, both appear on a recently released recording of John Cage’s Electronic Music for Piano (which also includes David Toop and Thurston Moore); they also collaborated in 2016 on Chen’s Colour Fields for video and electronics, which is in some respects a foreshadowing of Live in Japan. As with Colour Fields the performances here are about the color and textural properties of electronic sounds (and occasionally Chen’s voice): their tone, saturation, density, and reciprocal cross-shadings. - Daniel Barbiero

(Kathodik) Con “Live in Japan” abbiamo l’occasione di fare rigoroso chapeau nei riguardi di Tania Chen, perché ne riserva di sorprese questa enfant prodige britannica, pianista e compositrice con una passione smisurata per la musica colta del XX secolo. John Cage, Morton Feldman, Cornelius Cardew si scoprono essere punti di riferimento importanti per tutta la formazione accademica, accostandosi nel tempo a un interesse sempre più viscerale per l’elettronica, al mondo dei suoni non convenzionali acquarellati mediante strumentazioni fai-da-te. Questo cappello non vuole sminuire la bravura di Jon Leidecker, tutt’altro, l’elettro-designer di San Francisco contribuisce notevolmente a contagiare in toto il lavoro con quel peculiare tocco freeform della bay-area (casa Accretions, Ernesto Diaz-Infante,…). Otto parentesi tutte live, come vuole casa eh?records, sub-label della Public Eyesore, dedita solo alla pubblicazione di concerti. Avrete inteso quindi che le matrici originarie di queste improvvisazioni, registrate in giro per il Sol Levante, e principalmente ad Osaka, un po' a Chiba e Tokyo, svelano un’anima densamente elettronica e ben radicata nella pratica compositiva collagista, dove i suoni eterogenei si uniscono tra essi quasi singhiozzando. Minuti cut-up no-sense che tracciano sentieri di elegante lo-fi elettronico, ambendo a tratti astruse vette di abbacinato pop, grazie alle deliranti prove canore della Chen spammate un po' ovunque. Se si può evidenziare uno stato d’animo principale di “Live in Japan” ne troveremo due di caratteri contrastanti, che a turno prendono la scena durante il peregrinare della musica. Una prima anima è più hype e globalista, con suoni più scattanti e anche danzabili, mentre l’altro lato della medaglia cagiona un’indole più accademica e contemporanea, dove ad esempio capita di restare estasiati da campioni di pianoforte a goccia che cadono giù nell’oscurità, venendo coperti da una spruzzata irregolare di suoni metallici (-Chiba). E qui non si può che scomodare la metrica zen di Morton Feldman. Senza dubbi originale. - Sergio Eletto

(Vital Weekly) Eh? Records is an off-shoot of Public Eyesore and the label was created to release tour-only albums for the label boss, Brian Day, but these days is open for others; usually on CDR in small editions. This new release is a tour-only, but albeit a post-tour documentation for a concert trip to Japan by Tania Chen and Jon Leidecker. The latter you may know as Wobbly, even when not very much present in these pages; currently he is also a member of Negativland (interview with him in this month's Perfect Sound Forever ). I don't think I know who Tania Chen is. They both get credit for 'sounds', and how these sounds are made I don't know. Judging by the cover, showing a radio and some toys, and hearing the music, I'd say there is a fair share of circuit bending going on, probably on the toys shown, along with rhythm machines and electronics to further expand on those sounds. Sometimes the party moves into drone land but with a noisy taste for crude elements splattering about. Voice is occasionally used; I assume that's from Chen, but it might be there is a some speak 'n spell toy sounds and dolls on the meltdown. When Chen's sings it adds an element of folk/improvisation to the music, yet in a slightly freaky manner. Pieces were primarily recorded in Osaka (six of them), and make up a more or less continuous play, with the last one being the most coherent (read: less chaotic) one, with a strong on-going rhythm and synth wash. The other two pieces where recorded in Chiba and Tokyo, both of which sound quite improvised; obviously we don't get to hear the rest so I couldn't say if the rhythms of Osaka is an one-off or not. Throughout a most lovely varied disc and fine documentation. (FdW) - Frans De Waard

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