(Felt Hat Reviews) Public Eyesore is a restless creative child of Bryan Day, who is a galaxy of invention, wit and intelligence in a world of formatted contents and algorithms. Not only he publishes his own music and the music of people he collaborates with or who put out their compositions without his personal involvement but he also organises workshops, gigs and foremost - he designs and builds his own instruments which he then uses in his live experiments, improvisation and composition. Badminton, The Volleys is a cure little release that Bryan and Jay Kreimer have accomplished doing together under moniker Seeded Plain - where else but in Baroda, Hyderabad and Bangalore, India with a little help of their friend Trishant Shetty who is on vocals in the last track - Hyderabad Two. Four tracks on this cd are tight , driven and dynamic improvisations of self-built instruments. They have the structure of improvised electroacoustic music with a direct way, towards musique concrete. The noisemakers duo is both beautifully chaotic when you approach it as an outsider, not really understanding the music in this genre. But an attentive listener will find lots of interesting bits for herself/himself. The way towards creating squelches, glitches, moments of suspense - look at track 3 for instance - Bangalore - is just impossible. Not only it takes a special skills but also an intuitive compositional mind to steer and navigate the improvisation towards those points. Public Eyesore is a trademark of great quality and invention - with such releases it will stay this way for good. - Hubert Heathertoes
(Vital Weekly) Label boss Bryan Day works with Jay Kreimer as Seeded Plain. The day is foremost a sculpture of instruments, boxes, strings, springs and metal, and he improvises with them. A long time ago, I reviewed a solo release of Kreimer (Vital Weekly 782), and he's more of a percussion player. Seeded Plain has existed for some fifteen years now, and I reviewed two of their releases before (Vital Weekly 662 and 763), also a long time ago, so I am a bit blank here. I don't know if there was a long gap in these men playing again or if there was no release (that I received). One short and three long pieces might be too long, clocking in at close to an hour. Seeded Plain's music isn't easy to digest, being a very densely orchestrated mixture of metallic percussion, bowed strings and other electro-acoustic music. It is very collage-like, even when there isn't much through lay and hard edits—more a continuous, subconscious stream of sounds. The music was recorded during Kreimer's Fulbright fellowship in India, so the pieces are named after the location where they performed. I like all four pieces, but especially the last one, 'Hyderabad Two', which contains overtone/throat singing and some subdued electronics, creating quite a different atmosphere. The short opening reminded me of Dome. 'Hyderabad One' and 'Bangalore' are more conventional pieces of improvised electro-acoustic music and not too different, so if one went, the album would be stronger with three variations in approach—still a fine album, of course. - Frans de Waard
(Gajoob)“Badminton, The Volleys” by Seeded Plain is a sonic exploration that challenges traditional notions of music and sound. Released in 2023, this album is a testament to the inventive genius of Jay Kreimer and Bryan Day, who have used their unique skills to create a work that is as engaging as it is innovative. The album, recorded across various locations in India during October 2022, is a fascinating blend of improvised sounds and invented instruments. Kreimer, a seasoned musician and instrument inventor, brings his expertise to the fore, creating a soundscape that is both familiar and foreign. Day, an adventurer in sound and a creator of intriguing contraptions, adds his distinctive touch, resulting in a sonic experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. “Badminton, The Volleys” is a journey through a world of machine shop percussion, diverse plucks, plonks, bends, brushes, patterns, crashes, rumbling drones and more. The sounds swell and lull, creating a dynamic rhythm that keeps the listener engaged throughout. Each track is a distinct entity, yet they come together to form a cohesive whole. The music is animated and entertaining, with a sense of spontaneity that adds to its charm. The sounds are raw and unfiltered, giving the album an organic feel that sets it apart. What makes “Badminton, The Volleys” truly special is the way it blurs the line between music and noise. Kreimer and Day challenge the listener to rethink their perceptions of what constitutes music, creating a soundscape that is as thought-provoking as it is enjoyable. The production quality of the album is commendable, with each sound clearly defined and well-balanced. The album’s artwork, featuring photos by Kreimer and Pooja Usha, adds a visual dimension that complements the music perfectly. “Badminton, The Volleys” is an adventurous exploration of sound that pushes the boundaries of music. It’s a testament to the creativity and innovation of Seeded Plain, making it a must-listen for fans of experimental music. - Bryan Baker
(Lost in a Sea of Sound) The aural landscape is all the way fractured from Seeded Plain's new release titled Badminton, The Volleys. Lengthy chasms in the ground revealing a glowing red-orange river miles below. These sounds tear through conscious space. Sonic glass shards, some smooth and others razor sharp. Everything moving in chaotic pace as a cacophony of brilliantly clear sonic energy sinks deep into thought. This is a language in sound only a few speak, Latin to us but a high choral mass for Seeded Plain. After a short introduction, Badminton, The Volleys consists of three long species. All recording being done in India across three different Indian States, Gujarat, Telangana and Karnatak. Seeded Plain is a long running project by Bryan Day and Jay Kreimer. All sounds are from instruments created by Bryan and Jay, who are skilled artists, craftsmen and musicians. A next level in everything for those pressing play. Lost in a Sea of Sound attempted to duct tape a description together a few years back for Seeded Plain's Flying Falling composition. Similar in some sound, Badminton, The Volleys seems a little more heavy, more ominous. The last track using vocals by Trishant Shetty taking everything to a meditative abyss. Released on Public Eyesore on compact disc. Not sure how many editions were run, but physical copies are available from both Public Eyesore Records and their bandcamp page. - Ken Lower
(Salt Peanuts) Duoen Seeded Plain består av Jay Kreimer og Bryan Day, og innspillingen er gjort i Baroda, Hydrabad og i Bangalore i India i oktober 2022. Jay Kreimer er lydkunstner, skulptør og oppfinner av musikkinstrumenter. Han har turnert bredt med sine originale instrumenter, og spilt over hele Europa, Nord-Amerika og i Beijing. Våren 2019 turnerte han i Mexico, og spilte i trioen Albert/Day/Kreimer. I 2011 var han finalist i den internasjonale Guthman-konkurransen om oppfinnelser av musikkinstrumenter ved Georgia Tech. Han er sertifisert til å undervise i Deep Listening og hadde en lang tilknytning til grunnleggeren, Pauline Oliveros. Han har ledet workshops for oppfinnelser av musikkinstrumenter i Cork Irland, Chicago, Crestone Colorado, San Francisco, og i år på Museum of Antique Toys i Mexico City. I 2013-2014 var han Fulbright Senior Research Scholar, og laget et videodokument om messing- og trommebryllupsbandene i Gujarat og Rajasthan, India. Bryan Day omtales som en sonisk eventyrer, maler og oppfinner av nysgjerrige ting basert i East Bay. Ved å bruke renset elektronikk, gjenbrukte mekaniske komponenter og forsterkede materialer som du kanskje finner i garasjen eller på kontoret til din gamle onkel, omformer han dem til konstruktivistiske lydskulpturer. Day har opptrådt, undervist i workshops og bygget lydinstallasjoner over hele Europa, Asia og Amerika. Han bruker dagene på å designe, bygge og fikse utstillinger på Exploratorium og Children’s Creativity Museum i San Francisco. Han har spilt på en rekke festivaler, og han har over 40 solo- og ensembleutgivelser bak seg. Siden 1997 har han drevet plateselskapet Public Eyesore og søsterselskapet Eh?. Gjennom Public Eyesore og Eh? har han produsert og gitt ut over 250 album med improvisert og eksperimentell musikk med artister fra hele verden og organisert en rekke turneer for amerikanske artister i Japan. På deres nye innspilling Badminton, the Volleys, møter vi de to på tre eksperimentelle låter, pluss sistesporet, «Hyderabad Two» hvor de har med vokalisten Trishant Shetty på ordløs vokal. Og selv om dette er musikk vi til daglig ikke hører så mye til, så er det fascinerende lyder og improvisasjoner de to (tre) skaper i de fire improvisasjonene. Hvem som spiller hva er ikke godt å si, men kommunikasjonen mellom hjemmelagd perkusjon, strengeinstrumenter og annet «skrap» viser at det er ikke dyre instrumenter som skal til for å lage spennende musikk. De fire improvisasjonene kan lyttes til, om man går inn på lenkene under, og selv om dette er musikk som går inn under betegnelsen støy, er det hele veien system i støyen som gjør dette til en spennende, musikalsk reise. Det hadde vært spennende å være «flue på veggen» når disse musikerne skrider til verket med sine egenproduserte instrumenter, og å høre dem på konsert ville vært en opplevelse. Jeg føler musikken ligger litt i det landskapet man gjerne forbinder med gamle Curlew og andre ensembler man hørte tidligere i støymusikkens barndom. Og jeg føler også at den ligger i et landskap hvor vi blant annet finner den norske støykunstneren Lasse Marhaug. Det er system i galskapen gjennom alle de fire improvisasjonene, men selv om tre av låtene/strekkene har indiske titler, er det ikke mye som tyder på mye indisk inspirasjon. Og de to (tre) musikerne klarer faktisk å lage musikk det er spennende å lytte til, kun ved hjelp av hjemmelagde instrumenter hentet fra «skraphaugen», pluss den ordløse vokalen i den siste låta. Jeg vet ikke hvor mange som oppfatter volleyene i badminton på denne måten, men uansett er det et fascinerende og spennende møte! - Jan Granlie